
  • Reflections on the Founding of the NSW Consumer Advisory Group

    In 1998, the NSW Consumer Advisory Group – Mental Health was founded to giver consumers of mental health care in NSW a voice. Janet Meagher — a founding member — reflects on 30 years NSW CAG.

  • Reflections on My Time at the Melville Clinic

    The Melville clinic was a pioneering mental health centre in Melbourne and was established in 2974. Bill Healy worked there for a long time a social worker. You can read his reflections here.

  • Schizophrenia: You Can’t Talk About That!

    Margaret Leggatt was the founder of the Schizohrenia Fellowship of Victoria in 1973. She reflects on schizophrenia, the activities of the Schizophrenia Fellowship, and a lifetime of mental health advocacy

  • Graeme Curry

    Home: Guests, Friends, and Family

    Graeme Curry reflects on his lifetime involvement with mental health, which included being a member of the Society of Saint Francis, training and work as a psychiatric nurse, and various forms of activism.

  • Reflections on the Consumer/Survivor/Ex-Patient (C/S/X) Movement in Western Australia

    Western Australia, according to many, has the reputation of being late with new developments. This is not correct with respect to the C/S/X movement, Lyn Mahboub argues. Read about consumer activism in WA here.

  • Visions of Future Past

    Rob Ramjan was (and continues to be) a mental health activist. He worked for Richmond Fellowship NSW and the Schizophrenia Fellowship. Read his reflections here.

  • On Re-Minding

    Matina Pentes had (and still has) a long career in mental health, which includes the community mental health project in Canterbury and directing the Bondi Junction Community Health Centre.

  • The 1996 TheMHS Conference, Brisbane: A Reflection on Consumer Involvement in Mental Health and the Birth of the Australian National Consumer Network

    Melanie Schuth (nee Scott), Helen Glover, and V. Kalyansundarum organised the 1996 TheMHS conference (held in Brisbane, Qld), where the Australian National Consumer Network was founded.